Thursday, November 20

Alexander The Great First Diver?

Alexander The Great the first diver? Probably not, as stated by Egyptian History of the Thebes Temple where there are the first known references to under water activities. Alexander the Great spent the better part of his last six years exploring the under sea world. Did he catch any glimpses of Monster Lobsters while he was there, possibly, but his main interest seemed to be geared toward either Atlantis or to discover exactly what he saw in 329BC. "Shining shield like objects flew in and out of the Jexartes river."

Find more information on Alexander The Great and The History of Diving

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The information on Diving, UFO's, Alexander The Great, History and more is incredible and actually ties in together to better your understanding and appreciation of our diving equipment today and adds a bit of explanation and mystery as well.

Muddog American aka Wallace Haile